Romany Herbal Remedies against Bad Breath

April 16, 2021 | By | Reply More
Gypsy Petulengro

• Basil, rosemary, parsley and thyme can help to get rid of bad breath.

• Use alfalfa tablets to get rid of bad breath.

 • A lemon wedge with salt can help you if you eat onions or garlic.

• Make tea with cloves. Use three whole ones or ground, combine it with hot water and let it sit for no more than 20 minutes.

• Fennel can be used to place on your gums and your tongue to get rid of bad breath. Natural gum that has spearmint or peppermint oils is good to use for bad breath. Using these oils can eliminate the bacterium that causes bad breath. When you chew the gum, you produce saliva which gets rid of the bad breath.

 • A good old Gypsy remedy that is used is gargling with one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon powder. Combine the mixture with hot water. This is best done in the morning. It will keep your breath fresh all day.

• Chewing a sage leaf can help you get rid of bad breath. Sage has oils that have an antibacterial element that helps to get rid of the foul odour.

• Peppermint can be used in tea to calm your stomach. You exhale through your lungs and your breath has a nice sweet smell to it.

Herbal remedies don’t cover up the bad breath issue. They work to eliminate the problem. It works to pinpoint what is triggering your breath to smell bad. In order for herbal remedies to work properly, it has to correct and get rid of the problem.

I hope this helps, if you have any questions regarding Herbal Remedies do drop me an email or message.

From your friend Gypsy Petulengro

Have a good day …………


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