Petulengro’s Super Sensitive Pendulum

July 15, 2018 | By | Reply More

Super Sensitive Dowsing Tool

Pendulums have fascinated people throughout history. It’s known mainly for three uses. First, it is thought that the pendulum has powers to divine answers to questions put to it. Questions concerning all subjects, past, present and future.

Second, pendulums have been used for dowsing, i.e., looking for minerals underground, like gold, oil and water deposits.

Third, the pendulum has also been called a ‘sex detector,’ as it was and is still used to try to divine the sex of an unborn baby. The common procedure is to hold it over the pregnant woman’s stomach. If it moves in a straight line, it means the child will be male. If it moves in a circle, the child will be female.

 Below I’ll explain how you can use it to get answers to every facet of your life, you could for instance have a seance and get answers to your ‘Yes/No’ questions, find out where you put your car keys; you can even conduct group tests that will turn your next party into a mind-boggling experience.


Take your Petulengro’s Super Sensitive Pendulum and the detector card that comes with the pendulum. Hold the pendulum so it’s suspended about two inches above the middle of the circle. Rest your elbow on the table, or whatever surface you are using. Take a couple of slow deep breaths and then breathe normally. Relax your mind.

Think of the ‘YES’ direction, i.e. up and down. It may take a few seconds or a minute but the pendulum will start moving up and down, as if you were nodding your head, signifying ‘YES.’

Now concentrate on the ‘NO’ direction, i.e., sideways. Think as hard as you can. The pendulum will begin moving side to side, as if you were shaking your head ‘NO.’

Concentrate on the ‘NOT SURE’ direction, i.e., a circle, and watch as the pendulum starts revolving in a circular motion. It may rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise.

The key to making it work is to focus all your attention. Picture the pendulum moving in the direction you are concentrating on. See it moving. After you’ve completed these warm up exercises, you can move on to the next exercise.

Ask the pendulum a question that you know the answer is yes, i.e.; “does 2 + 2 = 4? It should move in the yes direction. After a few questions like that ask it some no questions, i.e.; “does 2 + 2 = 7?” It should move in the no direction.

Once you have completed those exercises you can then ask it all sorts of questions about your love life, career, relationships, etc. Be patient, the pendulum should move within a minute, giving you the answer. Important: make sure your question is phrased in a yes or no format.

The Petulengro Super Sensitive Pendulum is an exclusive item and is only available from myself, it comes complete with full directions how to use it, a divination card, together with its very own Velveteen draw-string Pouch for safe keeping. 

If you would like to own one of these Exclusive Pendulums you can do so by CLICKING HERE 

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