New Moon Monday 4th July 2016
In astrology a New Moon is seen as the end of one phase and the beginning of a new one. So in my opinion this is the time to make some changes, start as you mean to go on and there is no better time than this coming Monday the 4th of July when we have a New Moon in Cancer. Even though there are a few poor aspects such as Saturn square
You know, I get many hundreds of letters, emails and messages over the course of a year from people telling me how their life is so bad, things not are working out, everything is falling apart …..Many of those who write to me are people who have consulted me in one form or another. Sometimes a face-to face reading at a fair or festival, perhaps a postal or telephone reading, all which contain forecasts and predictions about their future. Giving them forewarning of both opportunities and pitfalls that lay ahead. Many of these people have contacted me saying how wonderful the readings were but, unfortunately completely ignored my advice, hence, nothing changed.
I do realise that once we get into a rut, commonly misdiagnosed as ‘Routine’, that it’s very difficult to find the motivation to change things. Over the years I have found it’s not as hard as one imagines. It only take one little step to start the ball rolling and then you’re off! In most cases it’s as simple as just saying “No” to someone or something. Perhaps compromising a little instead of digging your heals in even further. Why not take this opportunity right now to make a fresh start?
A fresh new start sometimes means starting over completely with a clean slate. Sometimes for some of us it’s a second chance to set things right and achieve our goals. I find that a new path can give one a feeling of freedom and a chance to leave our burdens behind us. As we are now half way through 2016, I am hopeful this will be the year you have always dreamed of. A year of peace, love and accomplishments, one filled with both health and happiness. In order to move forward now is the time to look at things realistically and set goals that are within your reach. When you reach those goals don’t just sit back and feel good, set new ones a little higher.
Remember, everything takes time and requires certain steps from you to achieve victory. So, pace yourself as you begin your journey on that mysterious path ahead which we call the future. That way you won’t become weary, burned out or give up hope. In order to obtain success or achieve victory, the physical journey is only a part of the trip. The state of mind that you travel in that will determine your fate. Don’t waste the rest of this very special Leap-Year. Get up, get out and do what it takes to feel happy and content.
I personally have always believed God helps those who help themselves and He waits with those who wait. As one interested in astrology I believe our destiny is written in the stars, but I also believe we can make our destiny as enjoyable as we like. So make every second count and remember you can never win the race if you give up and drop out.
Copyright Paul Petulengro 2016
Category: Blog