How I’ve Coped With Arthritis for 37 years

April 7, 2016 | By | Reply More

I have vivid memories of my childhood travelling the countryside with my Parents and Grand Parents in those lazy summer evenings spent by the roadside on some grass verge with the horses grazing and the mingling smells of wood burning together with that of a rabbit and vegetables simmering away in the pot over a stick fire in front of the small Vardos (caravans).

My Grandfather always struck me as a very active man, handling the horses and changing the wheel on the waggon, all seemed so easy, however, with the march of time, he, like the rest of us, began to notice he had the odd ache and pain. As time went on the pains got worse and worse, he then realised his problem was ARTHRITIS. Even I as a child noticed Grandfather was nothing like his usual jolly old self, if fact he got decidedly cross and grumpy, due, I suppose to the extreme pain he experienced.

As none of his usual Herbs seemed to have the desired effect, he decided to try putting various remedies together, now, the Willow Bark had been a treatment for pain as long as he could remember, but in 1928 chemists discovered the active ingredient in Willow Bark was Salicin which when taken internally changed to Salicylic Acid, this was the birth of the ASPRIN which if you check the label is nothing more than Salicylic Acid, it’s synthetically produced these days but for years was extracted from the bark of the willow tree which is exactly what had been use by the Gypsies for centuries, it is both a pain reducer and an anti-inflammatory too so this seemed to be a good starting point, he then remembered my grandmother telling him about an old cure from her family remedies called ‘Devils Claw’. On further investigation he discovered this has a very deep action causing the liver to become more active, and thus removing the debris from many sore arthritic joints, giving a greater amount of freedom of movement. As the inflammation decreased, of course so did the pain.

My Grandfather had also been brought up to put a great faith in the wild garlic as a cure for many disorders, without unpleasant side effects. He gathered all these ingredients together and made them into a compound which was easy to take.

Because he had been getting worse for quite some time, the improvement was almost imperceptible, but then gradually he stopped getting worse, and then, after a short while there was some steady improvement and soon he was looking like his old self, just as I had remembered, of course, he always ate a good wholesome diet, after all, we had no such thing as ‘Convenience Foods’. Everything cooked fresh over an open fire. This particular blend of herbs soon became well liked among the Gypsy people and they used to referred to it as

‘Old Petulengro’s Formula’.

Back in 1979 when I was in my late 30’s I was struck down with Osteoarthritis. I have mentioned in a previous post my Wife and I were Circus Artistes for some years and one of our acts was ‘Clowning’ with a Comedy Car routine which entailed a lot of tumbling, I began to experience pain in my knees and wrists  whilst performing in Sweden I was told by a Medic I would have to give up the falling around immediately otherwise I would need both my knee joints replacing in less than six months or be confined to a wheelchair. That came as a massive shock I can tell you. But, now in my mid 70´s, although I do have the occasional flare-up I have avoided having any surgery on my knees. This is all down to the fact that I am careful with my diet, always wear a

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and still use ‘Old Petulengro’s Formula’ originated by my Grandfather way back in the 1930´s. I now have this old Romany Remedy manufactured by pharmaceutical company to my Grandfathers  original recipe and is now available from me by post.

NOW Available HERE Click photo for details

Important - Please Read

I am not a Doctor and have no medical qualifications, the Romany Remedies and Recipes here are information passed down through my family over the years and used to help them with their everyday ailments. If you have a serious medical condition please consult a Doctor or other medical services. They are not intended to replace professional medical treatments. Please use common sense.

Category: Blog, Health

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