Is my House the Problem or Am I Cursed?
Why do I have so much bad luck since moving to this new house?, I’m sure my house is cursed!, I feel there are some very bad vibes in this house, Is it possible my home could have some kind of negativity that affect our daily life?.
These are just a few of the questions I regularly get asked via letter, email and messages. So in view of this I decided to try and address this growing problem. As a child I can remember going out with my Mother in the winter months round the villages in Yorkshire selling her various wares such as Chrysanthemums beautifully carved from the willow tree by my Father and coloured in vibrant colours, for this he used a fabric dye available at the time called ‘Drummer Dyes’ and cost just One Penny per colour.
- These are un-dyed wooden Chrysanthemums Click photo to enlarge
She also sold the traditional wooden clothes pegs made form the same willow tree; these were a good stand-by and guaranteed to put food on the table whenever times were hard.
As well as the usual wares there was always someone wanting their fortune told either by having their hand read or by the crystal ball that Mother always carried with her wherever she went. I do recall though there was always that one person who wanted something different and as I remember these included things like ‘Am I pregnant?’, ‘Will it be a boy or a girl?’, ‘Is this house unlucky, if so what can I do about it?’, ‘Will I have twins?’, ‘A Gypsy put a curse on me, can you remove it?’. I’m sure there were more but these are the ones that spring to mind, after all it is almost 70 years ago now!
This brings me back to the many questions I receive as I mentioned at the beginning regarding the bad feeling or the negative energy some people experience in their homes. This is something I personally don’t have a problem with because all my adult life I have used an age old Romany Remedy which is something my Mother and in fact many Gypsies prepared for their clients as they travelled the length and breadth of the country. This particular problem was known by the Gypsies as ‘The Evil Eye’ but nowadays it’s referred to as ‘Negative Energy’
Now there are various methods of cleansing your house of this negative energy effect but most consist of methods like burning bunches of sage or lighting candles and chanting complicated incantations most of which may have some use. The Petulengro’s recipe requires none of these; you simply make up the following into a small muslin bag, or as my Mother used to do, place the muslin bag in a nice lace sachet with a hanging ribbon, keep it in a drawer or hang it in a safe place in your house, nothing else. I recommend changing it twice a year and if you have a large house, perhaps keep one downstairs and one upstairs.
How to make your ‘Petulengro Protection Sachet’
Gather the following ingredients in equal proportions with the exception of the White Sage, this be twice the amount of the others.
Note: If you use dried herbs it’s best to us ALL dried rather than a mixture of fresh and dried.
- Rosemary (Fresh or Dried)
- Fennel
- Eucalyptus leaves
- Lavender Flowers
- Cloves dried (Whole)
- Sandalwood
- Oregano
Tie in an open weave bag (Muslin or similar) and use as directed above.
- This how Mother made them.
Do please let me know how you get on and if you have any questions please limit them to emails ONLY, I’m afraid I cannot answer these questions on my Facebook Page.
Until next time …………………….
Category: Blog