Bronchitis, Hair Tonic, Warts and All
This time of year in northern Europe chest infections are a problem. For Romany/Gypsy folk it was a very big problem due to the damp living conditions. The horse drawn Vardo (Wagon) had very limited room inside especially when the double bed was opened. Mother and Father slept inside and we kids slept underneath with a tarpaulin clipped round the base. Straw was laid down first followed by a thin mattress and several blankets to cover us. Yes, even in the winter, that's the Romantic Gypsy life most people dream of!!

This Remedy for relieving Bronchitis is also suitable for almost any Chest Infection: - To 11/2 litres of Cold water add about 30 grams of Coltsfoot leaves. Bring this to the boil and then simmer on a low heat until the liquid is reduced by about half. Strain through fine sieve and sweeten to taste with a little Honey. When cold take a small cup full twice a day.

Hi Paul, Every year I suffer with a bad case of 'Flu' do you know of a cure for this please?
Well Sylvia unfortunately influenza is a Virus and as such has no cure, even though the Doctor may give 'Antiviral' medication it will not cure the problem, it will just help your body fight the infection a little quicker. It is possible to take the following remedy to ease the symptoms and let it run it's natural course. It has been my personal experience over the years when I have tried to speed up the process I get another attack a few weeks later.

Coping with Influenza: Pour 500 mls of boiling water over 30 grams of Peppermint Leaves and 15 grams of Elder Flowers (Fresh or Dried) Then simmer on a low heat fro 15 - 20 minutes. Strain and sweeten if required with a little sugar or treacle. Drink a cup full of the liquid on retiring to bed. Keep warm and drink plenty of fluids.
All my life I have been asked this question "How do Gypsies keep their hair so Black & Shiny? Well, ask 10 Gypsies and you'll probably get 10 different answers ranging from 'Olive Oil', 'Rosemary', 'Walnut Oil', Etc. The method my family have always used and the one I still use today is as follows:

HAIR TONIC: Make a very strong infusion of ordinary garden Sage using 250 mls of boiling water and 30 grams of Sage leaves (you can use dried but fresh is better in this case) When cold bottle and massage about a dessert spoon full into the scalp preferably after washing the hair. Allow to dry on scalp overnight. This recipe will darken the hair and arrest the onset of greyness.

Hello Paul, Hope you don't mind me asking this but for many years I have suffered with Warts on my hands. Over the years I have tried many so called cures but nothing has worked. So, have you any ideas please?
Thanks for taking the trouble to write Michael. First I must explain that quite a lot of people who say they have a wart don't, in fact they have a Mole which is a completely different thing altogether, Moles can in some cases be dangerous and I advise a visit to the Doctor. The remedy below is one that has been most successful with members of my own family over the years. A note of caution, warts are known to be contagious and if picked at they can spread to other parts of the body.

Warts: The best time to treat warts is in the Spring or Summer. Gather the leaf or the flower of the Dandelion and you will see a milky fluid will appear at the broken part. Saturate the Wart with this fluid and leave to dry on. Do this as often as is convenient and very soon the Wart will start to turn black and drop off. In the autumn and winter months the milky juice becomes weak and does not have the same effect.
I hope you find these useful, if you have any questions or suggestions for this page I would love to hear from you. You can leave a message the box below or on my Facebook Page.
Until next time ...............
Category: Articles, Blog, Health, Herbal, Herbs, Remedies & Recipes, Wellbeing