A Difficult Decision

Hello Everyone, Sadly I have had to take the decision to stop posting my weekly horoscopes. There has been a steady decline in people reading them recently and after 60+ years producing horoscopes I now feel I should be using what time I have left to other things, especially things that do not rely on […]
How I Changed My Life for the Better

How I Changed my Life from nothing to where I am today Have you ever woken up and wondered how you ended up with this life of yours? Do you feel stuck in the rut of the same routine day after day, week after week, year in, year out? Maybe you feel trapped by obligations, […]
Telling the Time by Flowers

TELLING THE TIME BY FLOWERS By GYPSY PETULENGRO (1936) This article was first published by my Grandfather Xavier Petulengro in 1936 Real Romany’s scarcely ever learned to read, write or tell the time by a clock or watch. They started their day at dawn and did not usually finish until dusk, but they know how […]
Run Freely

From as long as I can remember we travelled up and down the country visiting the Fairs and Carnivals during the summer months, but winter was different. If possible we tried to stay put in one place for the whole of the winter months. Quite often this was a place we knew, usually a farmer […]
How To Be The Best You Can Be

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people seem to succeed at everything they decide to do, while others struggle through life never quite finding the success and fulfilment that in a sense is everyone’s right? You might have done more than wonder. It might even be that you’ve felt envious of others’ […]
How To Get What You Want from Anyone you Meet

How To Get What You Want From Anyone You Meet This article is all about being able to get other people to react in a way you want them to and my secret is something I call Attraction. By Attraction I don’t necessarily mean it in a physical sense, I will explain how it can be […]
The Secret of ‘Good Luck’

To many people ‘Good Luck’ seems like some random fortunate coincidences, but there are things we do all the time that attract more of what we call “luck,” both good and bad. Usually, we don’t know we are doing these things, but what if we did? Could we then create more luck? Yes. Actually, there several […]
Mother Nature Knows Best

The Common Stinging Nettle Nettles are another of those hedgerow plants that has been used by the Gypsies for centuries to treat various allergy symptoms especially Hayfever which was and still is the most common allergy suffered by humans. Not just humans, during the time we had horses I remember two particular animals who suffered […]
Childhood Memories

It’s quite a while since I wrote one of my ‘Looking Back’ blog posts. As I’ve said before I do quite a lot of looking back and the older we get the more there is to look back on. My Wife always accuses me of being a creature of habit and I think that must […]
Why Worry?

We all worry about something from time to time, however, did you know that 98% of the things we worry about never happen! Over the years I’ve received many thousands of letters and emails from people who are going through difficult times and it usually boils down one single thing WORRY. I know from experience […]
Romany Herbal Remedies against Bad Breath

• Basil, rosemary, parsley and thyme can help to get rid of bad breath. • Use alfalfa tablets to get rid of bad breath. • A lemon wedge with salt can help you if you eat onions or garlic. • Make tea with cloves. Use three whole ones or ground, combine it with hot water […]
Tales From My Childhood

The summer of 1951 was not a very good one if I remember correctly, quite a wet one for for travelling fairs. We were working the fair at Daisy Nook in Lancashire, Mother with her fortune telling booth and Dad with a striker (the thing where you try to ring the bell at the top using […]
Bronchitis, Hair Tonic, Warts and All

This time of year in northern Europe chest infections are a problem. For Romany/Gypsy folk it was a very big problem due to the damp living conditions. The horse drawn Vardo (Wagon) had very limited room inside especially when the double bed was opened. Mother and Father slept inside and we kids slept underneath with […]
Don’t Be Late Whatever you Do!

We all know that relationships can be difficult. One of the best methods we have for making every relationship less stressful and more enjoyable is to show a little patience. Patience has been defined as what we lack for the driver in front of us and demand from the driver behind us. In truth, patience […]
Astrology and YOU

As the time has elapsed, there has been more and more pressure to cope with the adverse situation that might arrive in every one’s life. There are many incidents in a person’s life that would look like a bolt from blue. Therefore, when it is unexpected, it ought to cause more problems. That is one […]
Result of several wet, miserable days

Living in southern Spain has many advantages, more than just the Sun. I live in a mountain village with approximately 480 people, so it’s very small but with beautiful views, it’s very quiet (apart from the odd tractor), lovely frienld people who made us welcome from day one, and relaxing too. The one downside, if […]
Petulengro´s Herbal Sleep Pillow

Following many request for me to revive some of my families old Romany Remedies and Recipes and one of the most popular inquiries was from people suffering sleepless nights. So, with this in mind I have incorporated and old family Herbal Remedial for this condition into a convenient small pillow. Simply place it by your […]
The Result of Two Broken Ribs

Hi there everyone, ´Cold and wet here in ´Sunny Spain but not as bad as I understand you´re experiencing in the UK. Thank you ALL for your get well wishes following my recent fall. I´m pleased to report things are improving every day, but still taking things easy. You may or may not know, but […]
Irish Traveller campaigner Kim Moloney awarded MBE by the Queen

Kim Moloney, an Irish Traveller from Leeds, has been awarded an MBE in the Queen’s New Years’ Honours list. The award has been made in recognition of Kim Moloney’s dedication and commitment to improving the lives of Gypsy and Traveller people in West Yorkshire. Kim Moloney, President and former Chair of the charity Leeds Gypsy […]
Looking Back

I don’t know about you but at this time of year I spend quite a lot of time alone, looking back over my life and of course, the older we get, the more we have to look back upon. I suppose being born into a Gypsy family always sounds very romantic and in some ways […]
Do Scorpio’s Have a Sting in Their Tail?

Whoever you are and whatever sign you were born under if you’re looking for excitement, all you need to do is find a scorpion. No, not the animal, we’re talking about the zodiac sign. Now anyone born under the sign of Scorpio are extremely complex individuals; they are all about hidden motives, ambitious plans, and […]
7 Things you Can do to Reduce Your Stress NOW

Use my 7 tried and tested Tips to reduce your Stress NOW They have certainly helped me and I know they can help you too. Our world is awash with a wave tension that seems to infect every single one of us. Have you driven down the street lately, only to find someone abusing […]
Our Gypsy Traditions and Customs

Gypsy Traditions and Customs There are many thousands of so called ‘Travellers’ dotted around Europe and never a day goes by without some attention grabbing headline in the media about some sort of incident or other regarding them. This article is only concerning the ‘Romany Gypsy’ and their Traditions and Customs. By the way, next […]
Petulengro’s Super Sensitive Pendulum

Pendulums have fascinated people throughout history. It’s known mainly for three uses. First, it is thought that the pendulum has powers to divine answers to questions put to it. Questions concerning all subjects, past, present and future. Second, pendulums have been used for dowsing, i.e., looking for minerals underground, like gold, oil and water deposits. […]
The Key to your dreams

We can say with fair certainty that we all have two lives: one being the state that we think of as ordinary wakefulness; the other the state which we are in when we go to sleep. In this second life we all dream – some of us fairly regularly, others only occasionally – and this […]
Home Remedies for Your Arthritis

Your ArthritisIt refers to inflammation of joints. It is one of a number of diseases commonly called rheumatism. Arthritis arises from many causes and it is treated in many different ways. Arthritis has been classified as follows: – * Caused by infection. * Resulting from rheumatic fever. * Rheumatoid arthritis. * Degenerative arthritis. * Due to joint injuries. * Caused by gout. * […]
Change is the only thing Constant in my Life

Even the seasons change. As the seasons change, so do some trees. These trees grow new leaves in spring, and lose them in the autumn. Just like the trees experience change with the seasons, so do I. There are different seasons of life. I accept change. It is something that none of us can escape. […]
A Message From Paul Petulengro

As the time has elapsed, there has been more and more pressure to cope with the adverse situation that’s affected each and everyone of us this past year. There are many other incidents in a person’s life that would look like a bolt from blue. Therefore, when it is unexpected, it ought to cause more […]
I’m Always Being Asked ‘Are You A Real Gypsy’?

Are you a real Gypsy? people are constantly asking me. I was born into the Petulengro family, an old and well respected clan among travellers, my Grandfather was often referred to as ‘King of the Gypsies’. It’s fascinating to think that the twentieth century Romanies all originated from India over 700 years ago and I […]
The First Miracle I ever Encountered

My very first memory of my childhood is of waking up on a bright April morning with the sun glinting through the doorway and my Father just entering the vardo (Caravan) with a mug of tea for Mother who was still in bed. “Come on las stir yer stumps and shake yer feathers” he said, […]
Blue Moon 31st March 2018

We’ve all heard the saying “Once in a Blue Moon” We often say it when referring to a rare event of some kind, and it originated as a reference to when we have two Full Moons in one calendar month, the second one is know by astrologers as a ‘BLUE MOON’ and they don’t happen […]
Are you Lucky or Unlucky?

What is LUCK and does it exist? According to the English dictionary, the term luck is defined as: 1) The chance happening of fortunate or adverse events; fortune. 2) Good fortune or prosperity; success. 3) Ones personal fate or lot. The different approach people have towards the meaning of luck and the impact it has on their […]
Arthritis: Not just for the Senior Citizens

This article was written by my late Wife Pamela who worked in the medical profession around the world. She was a fully trained State Registered Nurse, a Certified Midwife and had 3 diplomas in Tropical Diseases and because of my own long history of coping with Arthritis she made an in-depth study of the problems […]
The Secret of ‘Good Luck’

To many people ‘Good Luck’ seems like some form of random fortunate coincidences, but there are things we do all the time that attract more of what we call “luck,” both good and bad. Usually, we don’t know we are doing these things, but what if we did? Could we then create more luck? Yes. Actually, […]
Unusual Upbringing. Re-Posted from 2016

As I’ve mentioned before in earlier posts my upbringing was unusual, unusual, that is compared with most of my peers. Until I was 6 I travelled around the UK with my family in a horse drawn wagon, then we changed to motorised transport. The family consisted of Mother and Father, myself and two brothers and […]
My Daily Gypsy Card Reading

Note: As a viewer of this page you are entitled to a discount when you purchase my ‘Gypsy Card Reading Secrets’ featured on the right . When you order, simply enter this code card5 on the payment page and it will automatically deduct your £5.00 discount. For today hh
“If You Believe You Can Or You Believe You Can’t, Either Way You’re Probably Right…”

You may have heard someone say this about beliefs. It sounds contradictory, even ridiculous, but you had better believe it’s right! Understanding your beliefs, how they control your life and the traps caused by beliefs is a key ingredient in the mental game of success. WHAT ARE BELIEFS Very simply beliefs are those things that […]
I love this, both Happy & Sad Childhood Memories

Re-posted from 2016 You need the sound on Every time I listen to this I have a flood of both Happy and Sad Childhood memories. Although it was a very hard life on the road, looking back I wouldn’t change it for anything.
Food for Thought

Food for Thought I don’t often frequent my local supermarket, I say ‘local’, it’s actually a 30-minute drive from here so I tend to use the markets of which we have several in the area, and all within a 5 – 10 minute drive away. These, for me are the real ‘Super Markets’ with an […]
Fairgrounds (No.4 in my Looking Back Series)

A Short History of the UK Fairgrounds My family have travelled the fairs, carnivals for many years and in the UK Fairs have a long and ancient history, deeply rooted in tradition, and these traditions have always fascinated me from a very early age, not to mention the huge changes to the fairgrounds during my […]
Is your Relationship Working?

I often see articles and posts with the title ‘What you need from a relationship?’ but after listening to thousands of clients over many years in which the subject of relationships crops up more times than I care to mention, I think a more appropriate title would be ‘What does a relationship need from you?’. […]
The Characteristics of Pisces

PISCES: February 19th to March 20th Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac and you who are born under this sign are invariably easy to impress because you are so extremely receptive. Consequently, you often make a successful medium. Whilst you are persistent, you are rarely positive in your actions and your […]
Psychic and Astrology: How Does It Affect Our Daily Lives

Psychic is a term used in the field of parapsychology which refer to the ability to perceive the things that are hidden to ordinary senses through means of extra-sensory perception. While the term astrology is, define as the study of the relationships between people and events on earth, and the cycles, movement of the planets […]
Petulengro’s Sleep Ease Herbal Bath Soak

Relax in a nice hot Herbal Bath Soak containing this unique blend of therapeutic Herbs, Roots and Bark carefully chosen for their soothing and relaxing qualities to help you get a good nights sleep, together with the relaxing qualities of Mediterranean Sea Salt from the South of Spain. Simply add one sachet whilst running your bath, […]
Petulengro’s Joint Ease Herbal Bath Soak

Soak away those aches and pains of the day in a relaxing Petulengro’s Herbal Bath Soak. A unique blend of therapeutic Herbs, Roots and Bark carefully chosen for their soothing and relaxing qualities together with the invigorating Mediterranean Sea Salt from the South of Spain. Simply add one sachet whilst running your bath, then take a […]
Green Buckwheat (Rutin)

Rutin is a plant pigment (flavonoid) that is found in certain fruits and vegetables. Rutin is used to make medicine. The major sources of rutin for medical use is the Green buckwheat, Although not an indigenous plant of the UK it has been cultivated in the Norfolk and Suffolk area for many years. People have […]
Rosehip Capsules

Petulengro’s Rosehip capsules are a great source of Vitamin ‘C’ in fact Rosehips contain 50% more vitamin ‘C’ than Oranges. It’s well know medical fact that Vitamin ‘C’ is one of the finest supplements to help fight off ailments which we all suffer from time to time during the cold winter months. Easy to take […]
Cats Claw

Common Names: cats claw, uña de gato Latin Name: Uncaria tomentosa, Uncaria guianensis Many ancient civilizations used used cats claw to treat such things as inflamation of the joints. My Grandfather learned this from my Grandmother Anyeta who said it was always used in her tribe as one of the things to help with painful joints, […]
Devils Claw

Harpagophytum procumbens, also called grapple plant, wood spider and most commonly devil’s claw, is a genus of plants in the sesame family. Plants of the genus owe their common name “devil’s claw” to the peculiar appearance of their hooked fruit. Devil’s claw has been used as a medication for hundreds of yeas, especially for treating “hardening […]